As human beings, I think we really get the activity part down pat, but I don’t know if we get the rest part as well. So in this practice (based on my story in the August issue of Mindful magazine about what nature can teach us about thriving in adversity), I’ll be guiding you to notice areas of rest in the body to relax and renew. Sometimes rest can be subtle. You may not find it in the body. If you don’t find rest in the body, don’t worry. You can always focus on the movement of the breath, particularly noticing the exhalation of the breath. That’s a natural place of release. Other times when we bring attention into the body, we become more aware of what doesn’t feel good, what’s unpleasant or painful. If that happens, you can work with that in a number of ways. You can become curious about those sensations and notice them. If it’s too overwhelming, you can devote attention to the breath and the neutrality of that experience. Or you can always just stop practicing. Let’s begin.

A 14-Minute Meditation to Connect with Nature

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Kelly Barron July 14, 2021

Kelly Barron June 22, 2021

Ava Whitney-Coulter June 22, 2021