2) Find your purpose

Getting involved in something outside of your day-to-day routine has the power to infuse daily life with greater meaning. But we’re all pulled in so many directions, it can feel overwhelming to know where to put your attention. To cut through the din, each day ask yourself these three questions: Then take these values and turn them into verbs. If you value family time, for example, start putting smartphones aside during dinner, create a plan for a monthly family outing, or find ways to connect more often with your bicoastal siblings. If it’s the environment, consider volunteering your time or donating money to an organization that supports that cause, or both. If you feel compelled to create, commit to fueling your inspiration in whatever ways feel right—visiting a museum, browsing through art books—and set aside some time for your own creative process. Carve a bit of space into each day to think about and do one small thing toward the bigger picture you hold. Practice and repeat, and over time watch your sense of purpose grow.

3) Be generous: it’s contagious

There is no experience more uplifting than giving. At the base of generosity is compassion, which research finds has a direct impact on well-being. You know what’s even cooler? Generosity is generative: The more you practice, the better you feel, and the easier it becomes to be generous! Plus, it’s contagious. Your act of generosity very well might inspire someone else to act kindly toward another. And you can start right away, where you are. Tip the server 18% instead of your usual 15%. Give a bit more to charity this month, or dedicate more of your time to helping friends, family, and strangers than you normally do. Or get more connected: Try smiling at a stranger, tell a friend that you appreciate them, or tell a loved one how much they mean to you. It all adds up—and adds to your happiness quotient.