Other possibilities: listening to music, turning off your phone, getting a massage, loving-kindness meditation, walking on the beach, and reading a book. Slightly less common ideas? Horseback riding and playing backgammon.

Do you feel relaxed when meditating?

A sense of relaxation can be a nice side effect of meditating, but it’s not a requirement. 55% say they usually feel “chill” when they meditate. For 39% meditation can be relaxing sometimes. 6% say meditation just isn’t a relaxing activity.

How relaxed are you most of the time?

You’re not alone if you go through most days feeling a little on edge: 58% of respondents do, too. A mere 1% are totally chill more often than not. 28% say they’re pretty laid-back, and the rest (13%) report feeling like a bundle of nerves.

How does social media fit into your leisure time? 

Only 7% say using social media helps them to relax, while 26% say it creates an uptick in their tension. The moderate 41% of respondents say they can chill out with social media, but only if they don’t use it too much—and 26% use it rarely or never at all.

How often do you take time to relax?