What if we told you that on average rush shipping generates approximately 40% more carbon emissions than standard shipping? That means that shopping early and choosing standard shipping over rush allows you to perform a small act of love for the planet.

	The Power of Vegan Beauty	

By finishing up your online shopping before December 4th and not selecting next-day or same-day delivery, you will be giving one hefty holiday present to the planet.

The Carbon Footprint of Rush Shipping

If we all work together by shopping early, we can avoid up to 2.4 million tons of carbon emissions. Until December 4th, Love Beauty and Planet is promising to donate $19.99 (the average cost of rush shipping) for every use of the #PlanItforthePlanet hashtag on social media. “We were stunned to see the planet impact that rush shipping can have and knew we had to lead with action,” says Sonika Malhotra, Senior Global Brand Director of Love Beauty and Planet. “We love the spirit behind #PlanItForPlanet and how easy it is for holiday shoppers to participate with this small act of love for the planet.” Love Beauty and Planet will donate up to $150,000 to the National Forest Foundation’s reforestation efforts, which will help plant 150,000 trees in the U.S.

Inspire Your Gift List

Get inspired by Love Beauty and Planet’s festive gift sets. The brand’s Beloved Roasted Chestnuts & Ginger line offers candles, body washes, lotions, foaming hand soaps, and body scrubs. The limited-edition Joyfully Restored Nordic Berry & Winter Spices body lotion is also a must-try. These vegan beauty favorites are the ideal gift for anyone on your gift list!

Take the Pledge!

Take the pledge today on Facebook or Twitter and commit to a more sustainable and loving holiday season this year. The vegan beauty brand is also rewarding holiday shoppers on Black Friday, November 26th, from 10 AM-4 PM EST on Broadway in SoHo, NYC with warm beverages, sustainable tips, and giveaways!  

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