3 Loving-Kindness Meditations for Beginners

1) Directing Compassion Toward Ourselves

Most of the time, we’re our own harshest critics. We strive to hide our flaws and mistakes so we can project a perfect image into the world. With this practice, we choose to instead bring compassion to our imperfections. This shift helps us grow more comfortable with the human difficulties we’ve been desperately trying to avoid—a radical shift that also uncovers the opportunity to develop our inner wisdom and equanimity.

2) A Loving-Kindness Meditation for Your Loved Ones

Relationships can be full of complexity and conflict. Sometimes it’s difficult to express our love to those we care about the most. Maybe we find ourselves stuck in hurt or disagreement. Yet when we focus on qualities of non-judgment, nondiscrimination, and honesty, we increase our ability to freely send love to the people we hold dear. In this way, we tap into the love we already have around us and within us.

3) Loving-Kindness Heartscape Meditation

Loving-kindness can support us in softening our approach to painful events and emotions. By working with the intention of sending good wishes to others, we observe the presence of difficult emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them. And through compassion, we realize that our emotions don’t isolate us, but connect us to all other human beings. This guided practice allows us to notice our emotional experience in a way that embodies loving-kindness and compassion, easing our weary hearts. Read the practice transcript here.

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Mindful Staff February 2, 2022

Kimberly Brown March 1, 2022