The Surprising Link BetweenBrain Science and Strong, Healthy RelationshipsAmy Banks, with Leigh Ann Hirschman • Tarcher PerigeeRelationships happen between individu- als, but also between neural pathways in your brain. Left unchecked, old habits and thinking patterns affect the way you inter- act with your closest friends and partners. Using a system called “C.A.R.E.” that identifies various brain regions, Banks offers a way to investigate those patterns and lay down new tracks that support healthier, happier relationships. GRATITUDE Oliver Sacks • KnopfFew people can claim to have changed the way large numbers of people think about themselves and their fellow humans. Neurologist Oliver Sacks did so repeatedly. By bringing a child’s curiosity to brains that veered from the “norm,” he asked us to think of them not as defective but as unique worlds of per- ception. This tiny book of four essays, written as he faced death, overflows with joy. It is we who must be grateful. SELF-COMPASSION IN PSYCHOTHERAPY Mindfulness-Based Practices for Healing and TransformationTim Desmond • W.W. Norton Self-criticism is pervasive, and harmful. “Researchers have that found self-criti- cism is one of the biggest predictors of serious mental health problems,” writes Tim Desmond. “Relating with kindness,” as Desmond puts it, helps us shift gears. Desmond’s book integrates self-com- passion practices into therapy—for cli- ents and therapists. The book explores the science behind self-compassion and its clinical applications. WHY CAN’T I MEDITATE? How to Get Your Mindfulness Practice Back on TrackNigel Wellings • Tarcher PenguinEven long-time meditators can carry a lot of resistance to actually meditating. Wellings, a psychotherapist and mind- fulness teacher, unpacks this conun- drum in all its many dimensions, offering practical advice about both the simple and deep-seated obstacles that can keep us from doing something we know is good for us and those around us.

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Mindful Staff July 22, 2020

Mindful Staff May 26, 2020

Mindful Staff June 23, 2020