Yes, yoga and pranayama [yogic breathing] brought me to the doorstep of meditation. They prepared me to sit quietly and go inward. Yes, but in some ways yoga is meditation, because it focuses the mind. The first step of meditation is concentration—a one-pointedness. That means in some ways there is no separation between meditation and yoga. I’m so happy there are people like Thich Nhat Hanh who emphasize walking meditation. Meditation isn’t just seated. Because it works. So much in our lives is focused on the future. Can I acquire this? Can I become that? Only for a small part of the day are we really just here now. Yoga allows us to come back to the present. Yoga shows us how to be a child again, looking up at the blue sky—having the whole day without a schedule. Yoga is, as Iyengar says, “the ultimate freedom.” Yes, yoga is falling into a stereotype. People don’t understand how many different practices it actually incorporates. People take it as a physical exercise, when it’s actually an amazing spiritual practice. But I don’t mind that some people just do it as a physical exercise, because in some ways I don’t believe that’s possible. You can’t leave your mind and soul at home like an American Express card. You’re integrated already and the more you realize that—and yoga helps you to—the more you understand who you are. You’re a lot more than just this body. Gender stereotyping pushes men into other forms of exercise. They usually want to go to the gym but generally, once men have done a couple of yoga classes, they say, “Why haven’t I been doing this?” It’s just a matter of getting them to the door, getting them past the idea that they’re going to be the worst one in the class. Lots of men think, “I’m not flexible. I can’t do yoga.” But in reality, flexibility has nothing to do with it. It’s about going inwards. Stereotypes are a bad thing, period. But, for the most part, it’s great. Women are open. They’re willing to go into their emotional state, into their own minds. Whether it’s men or women, let’s go in that direction. Historically, when an activity has been dominated by men, it has had prestige. But if, over time, that activity has begun to be dominated by women, it has lost its prestige. I worry that is happening to yoga. Hopefully not. Hopefully, this is a trend toward women finding their real voice. I can’t help but think if women go inward—if they have the practice of meditation that yoga brings—they’re going to be more powerful in the world and for good causes. Sometimes I visualize everybody on earth practicing yoga for half an hour a day. For half an hour, we wouldn’t be doing anything detrimental or utilizing lots of resources. For half an hour, we’d be doing an activity that allowed us to be a little more peaceful all day long. Think of the social, political, and environmental impact that would have. It’s huge. Yogic ideals aren’t just for Gandhi. We’re human. We don’t have to achieve yogic ideals to some ultimate sense. The ideals are just a direction. If you’re going to walk across the country, it’s a long way. But if you point yourself in the wrong direction, it’s even longer. I, for example, believe in nonviolence, yet I’m still a violent person. I’m not murdering people, but my lifestyle isn’t perfect. Still, if I walk in the direction toward peace, that’s what counts. Mother Theresa said, “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” I’d say go to a bunch of different classes—see different styles, different teachers. Then find a teacher you have an affinity for and a style that’s going to help balance you. If you’re already an Olympic runner, don’t go for a yoga style that’s going to make you do more Olympic running. Ask yourself, what do I need to balance my life? Do I need quiet yoga? Do I need energetic yoga? What makes me grow up? What makes me look at things differently? In order to add something, you have to subtract something. So find out what in your life is unnecessary—what’s not serving you—and carve out at least thirty minutes a day for yoga. I’d do it at the same time daily. Having a routine is important because we all find excuses not to practice. But you’ll find a home practice when you realize how important yoga is. Yoga helps you do everything else in your life—raise kids, work, play, make music. Whatever you do, yoga helps you do it better.