What Does HALT Stand For?

In a nutshell, H beacons for asking ourselves: Am I hungry right now? A means checking in to see: Am I angry or anxious, or otherwise dysregulated and activated? L stands for lonely: Am I feeling lonely in this moment? And T stands for: Am I tired? 

Tune In to What Your Body Needs with the HALT Practice 

When you find yourself a bit dysregulated or overwhelmed, a few of these simple interventions can help. Asking yourself, “Am I hungry, angry, anxious or otherwise activated? Am I lonely, can I reach out? Am I tired, can I give myself some rest or a break? Do something restorative for my energy?” We can much more effectively manage whatever difficulties may arise over the course of a challenging day and weeks ahead. 

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Mindful Staff December 12, 2022

Caverly Morgan December 8, 2022

Heather Hurlock December 13, 2022