But it’s not so difficult to shift toward a more mindful way of gifting, such as gifting experiences, instead of more items they may not want or need. This could mean anything from an offer to cook and eat a meal with them, to a ticket for a special event, workshop, or class, to an online course. By gifting experiences instead of things, we can focus on the real goals of exchanging gifts: to express love and generosity to the people we care about, create opportunities to connect with them, and contribute to their greater well-being and happiness. As Susan Kaiser-Greenland notes: “I’m not saying we shouldn’t give or receive gifts. Of course we can, and being generous is a wonderful thing to do. Just notice what’s actually happening inside yourself in the process.” As a bonus, mindful gifting helps to lower your holiday stress, and can lighten the strain of overconsumption of the earth’s resources. 

The Benefits of Gifting Experiences, Instead of Things

Explore these three ways to discover the benefits of gifting experiences:

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Sara Kate Gillingham December 16, 2022

Mike Rucker November 26, 2021

Jennifer Wolkin May 11, 2021